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Clinical preventive services, such as routine screening and scheduled immunizations, are key to reducing death and disability and improving the Nation’s health. These services not only provide beneficial prevention against some illnesses and diseases, they can also detect them in their earlier, more treatable stages. Both prevention and early detection significantly reduce the risk of illness, disability, early death, and medical care costs. Yet, despite the effectiveness of these services, millions of children, adolescents, and adults go without clinical preventive services that could protect them from developing serious diseases or help them treat certain health conditions before they worsen.


  • Immunizations can protect children and adolescents from serious and potentially fatal diseases, including mumps, tetanus, and chicken pox.

  • Early screening can detect vision and hearing problems in young children.

  • Screening children and adolescents for overweight and obesity can protect them from adverse health outcomes later in life.


  • Regular checkups that measure weight, blood pressure, and cholesterol levels can protect men and women from chronic diseases, such as heart disease and diabetes.

  • A Pap test every 3 to 5 years for women aged 21 to 65, depending on age and testing method can protect women from cervical cancer.

  • A mammogram every 2 years beginning at age 50 can detect early signs of breast cancer in women.

  • Colorectal cancer screening beginning at age 50 can protect both men and women from colorectal cancer.

  • “Booster” immunizations can protect both adult men and women against tetanus, diphtheria, and whooping cough.

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